
These small devices are designed for use in real-time embedded applications ranging from industrial control, automotive, and consumer to any embedded application that requires high performance and low power consumption in a cost-effective, 32-bit microcontroller. Operating at up to 72MHz from flash or RAM, these devices feature up to 512KB on-chip flash program memory and a wide range of communications peripherals including ethernet, USB, and CAN. The family also features an LCD controller (QVGA graphic or segment driver), SD/MMC card interfaces, external memory interfaces and I2S audio interfaces.
Operating at 60MHz in a 0.18 micron process, these devices feature up to 256K on-chip flash program memory and up to four interconnected CAN interfaces. The nearly zero-wait state flash enhances performance because it's enabling the MCU to run as fast as SRAM memory, unlike competing solutions where performance is limited due to multiple wait-state flash.
这些微小器件是专为实时嵌入式应用而设计开发,应用范围广泛,包括工业控制、汽车电子、消费电子等等,任何需要使用32位微控制器的开发都可以采用该系列产品,成本效益好、高性能、低功耗。这些器件具有高达512KB片上flash程序存储器,flash或RAM的工作频率可以高达 72MHz,而且含有丰富的通讯外设,包括以太网、USB、CAN。这个系列产品还配备了LCD控制器,SD/MMC卡接口,外部存储接口,I2S音频接口。
- 基于1.8V ARM7TDMI-S™ 内核(LPC29XX是ARM968E-S™内核)
- 速度高达80MHz
- CAN, LIN, I2C, UART, and SPI 系列接口
- USB, I2S, and SD/MMC 接口
- 高性能双总线版
- 集成LCD控制器
- 10位 ADC 和 DAC
- 低功耗
- 微小的 7mm x 7mm LQFP 封装
Key Features:
- Based on 1.8V ARM7TDMI-S™ core (LPC29xx based on ARM968E-S™ core)
- Speeds up to 80MHz
- CAN, LIN, I2C, UART, and SPI serial interface options
- USB, I2S, and SD/MMC interface options
- Available high-performance dual AHB versions
- Available with integrated LCD controllers
- 10-bit ADC and DAC options
- Low power consumption
- Tiny 7mm x 7mm LQFP package options
- LPC2101, LPC2102, and LPC2103 Low-Cost, Tiny MCUs
- LPC214x Full-Speed USB 2.0 Device MCUs
- LPC23xx Dual AHB Bus MCUs
- LPC24xx Dual AHB Bus MCUs with External Memory Interface
- LPC29xx
Fastest ARM968-Core MCUs, with CAN and LIN